Sunday, August 5, 2007

Isn't She Beautiful?

I was blessed to go to two different churches today. And you really couldn't find two more different. It started in the morning at St. Martins a local, non-denominational gathering of believers in Collingwood (where we are aiming to open fire soon). It was full of honest reflection, social justice, prayer, interaction and hospitality - a challenging message on personal holiness but a laid back, down to earth, reality about it. Gritty and great.
Later on we checked out planetshakers. A full-blown, in your face, pente-style, worship crazed crowd of believers. Full of Jesus freaks, worship, intimacy, and hospitality. It was God-charged and lovely.

The thing is - I loved them both. Not just the style (although both were refreshing and engaging in their own way) but I loved the people. I love the diversity of the church. I love that each church has a flavour and colour and adds a element of uniqueness to the whole body. Richard Foster has a great book (for further reading) called Living Streams and Rob Bell hosted a conference about the church called, 'Isn't She Beautiful?' and I agree with both of them. She is. She really is - and to think I've only seen glimpses of her.. never in her fullness, and I'm already in love. No wonder Jesus is jealous.

Those who think the church's days are numbered are missing the display. I pray God will give you eyes to see the colour, size, wonder and beauty of the church. And I also pray that God will continue the process of preparing His bride... I want to be ready.


Barry Clarke said...
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Barry Clarke said...

Great thoughts

Diversity is one of God's greatest ideas.



Anonymous said...

She is beautiful, l agree. One of the concerns that I see as a worshipper in both styles is that we aren't able to connect the two in the one place. Are we unforgiving? Is one way better than the other? How do we create an expression of worship that encompasses the two? I reckon people from both 'sides' are missing out. Curious?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great to hear you're aiming to open fire in Collingwood. I also love Planetshakers. Let's aim to have lots of corps like that with full-on Jesud freaks!