Thursday, October 25, 2007


Bono says that he agreed to champion the Jubilee Campaign because he'd at last found in it a strategic outworking for his unbridled idealism. "Nothing is worse," he says, "than a bleeding heart without a plan." Too many of us are at postgraduate level in conversational Christianity and theoretical theology, with no heart-intention of actually doing the stuff we discuss. We talk endlessly about justice, mission, prayer, echatology or shapes of church, but we simply don't know where to start when it comes to actually doing anything to make a difference. An effective idealist is someone who dares to turn ideas into lists - she may have an impossible dream, but she also has a next step that is entirely possible. (page 98)

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

Danielle - some great wording here - postgraduate level conversation with no action! Wow - that cuts to the heart. Blessings of grace in the fight for justice!