Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Guilty by association?

"If we are members of a privileged group that profits from structural evil, and if we have at least some understanding of the evil yet fail to what God wants us to do to change things, we stand guilty before God. Social evil is just as displeasing to God as personal evil. And it is more subtle."

I'm still reading Rich Christians in An Age of Hunger by Ron Sider... this section has been a challenge... what kind of culpability do we have for continuing to support unjust systems of economic and political power for our own benefit. Fairtrade is a solid example... why do I keep buying things I know were most likely made by children at great cost to them and little cost to me?
Why don't I demand a change in the global wealth distribution to be more equitable? Because it would cost me! that's why.

I've been thinking about how many things I do for my own benefit at the expense of others... particularly the poor. I've got to sort it out... but how?

1 comment:

jsi said...

His words have spoken clearly, plainly, convictingly to me. This volume is not a quick read - it is compelling to read one paragraph at
a time.

Sider's word's are slicing - not in a way to humiliate but through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, intended to pierce.

After reading his first chapter, it was obvious to me I needed to fast while I was reading it.
His writing is concise and pointed - especially about the Christian solution to helping the poor is not about being a sacred social worker.

God's solutions are deeper, and will require an earthquake of seismic proportions when considering the checkbook, the billfold and the consumer isle.

Equitable wealth distribution would solve so many problems, but the obstacles are so demanding. Food and medical distribution are so much more possible. Why cannot we as global citizens elevate the citizenship of doctors, nurses and farmers to a level which does not require their vocation to make or lose money?

Let doctors and nurses heal - with no cost computed to their medications or treatment. Why is there a monetary value to good health?

Let farmers grow nourishment for everyone and there is no monetary value to their product so they cannot lose money. Simply feed empty stomachs. Why is there a monetary value to nutrition?

Those kind of suggestions will never make it to the political podium: they rage at economic systems which are established to promote competition, prosperity and survival. It is not disloyal or repulsive to look at the matters though - economic survival of the fittest is not compatible with God's Word.